Discover how you can save more time with the Q-Card App

Q-Card for Purchasing Professionals

You also prefer to do real shopping rather than creating and sending out purchase orders. However, your company wants to bring all business expenses (e.g. long tail spend) under control. Despite solutions such as requisition and ordering software and the use of catalogs, it is only more difficult due to purchases that have to be paid directly online. For the Purchasing deparment it is much more important to focus on sourcing and procurment itself, rather than having complicated processes for budget approvals and control.

What are the benefits?

  • Full control over all expenses, less ‘order pressure’ and focus on real purchasing

  • Pay in advance online without using plastic corporate cards

  • Expenses managed by budget owners and not by procurement

  • An innovative option for project or customer-specific purchases that need to be charged without a purchase order

  • Reduce vendor data management for rogue / maverick spend categories

  • Excellent spend analysis at your fingertips within the app

  • Self-service model for buyers

Donate a tree for free with Q-Card!

Experience the ease of Q-Card virtual cards in just a few steps by donating a tree for free! All you need to do is:

  1. Fill out the form below and receive an e-mail to activate the Q-Card App.

  2. Send a request through the Q-Card App for a one-time donation of €10,00.

  3. Our team will review and approve your request.

  4. Upon approval, you can use your Q-Card to donate to Trees for All.

  5. Upload the payment receipt for your donation in the app.

Request a demo today:


0031- (0)857-500 493


Wijnhaven 17, 3011 WH, Rotterdam

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